Terms of Service
I give Hind & Foresight Healing consent to perform meditative hypnosis session(s). I agree that actual sessions, either in person or online, and the outcomes of these hypnosis sessions are not guaranteed to produce successful results. The practitioner is not healing you—you’re being given a chance to heal yourself.
I agree that the audio/video footage and information gathered in my session may be used at the practitioner’s discretion for marketing and educational purposes, including but not limited to blogs, vlogs, social media, etc. Personal information will be edited out for client privacy.
I declare that Hind & Foresight Healing is free of any legal action taken by me, related to my hypnosis session(s). Receiving an unsatisfactory session, inability to be hypnotized or gather the desired information, technological issues (including but not limited to audio/video malfunctions), etc, are possible outcomes of this experience and do not warrant a refund or legal action to recoup session fees.
I understand that there is a $100 non-refundable deposit that is taken out of my session total when paid. Sessions that are cancelled or rescheduled by you, less than 24 hours before your session are NOT
eligible for a refund. This means no-shows are eligible for a refund.
I also agree to set an intention to have a beautiful, successful healing session where I manifest the outcome for myself that brings my soul exactly the kind of healing that I need in this moment. I acknowledge that the success of this session is my divine responsibility—not that of the practitioner.
For legal reasons, this agreement must also include the following disclaimer: This quantum healing session is for entertainment purposes only.